Horse Star logo slippers are made in Thailand. They are widely known for their longer durability and unique design. They could be considered as King of Rubber Slippers as during the downfall of common rubber slippers Logo Slippers provided the new direction in the market. While people were switching towards other PVC and PU slippers and there was paradigm shift in end consumer Logo rubber slippers were introduced in the market. They come under different brand names like, Horse Star, Wild Horse, Horse Number One, Ostrich Star, Knight Horse. These Thailand made Logo Rubber Slippers has a unique manufacturing process. The most common thing between these logo rubber slippers is that all these slippers have uniquely crafted base sole and a specially designed strap. Theses slippers has longer life as it goes under a special slow manufacturing process prior being processed.

These Horse Star Logo Slippers are kept one under another and are washed with cold water which helps in compressing these slippers. These logo rubber slippers are then washed with cold water for about 7 days. Main reason behind per-processing these logo rubber slippers under cold water is to reduce the expansion of the sheet. This process allows the the slippers to avoid shrinkage once they are finally made available for production. This process also adds extra longevity to the slipper and helps enable it to become number one logo rubber slippers.

These Horse Number One Logo Rubber Slippers are highly durable made from natural rubber slippers. These number one logo horse slippers comes in four colors, Red, Green, Blue and Brown. Design of their Strap is made by thai experts engaged in mold design with utmost experience. Thailand Logo Rubber Slippers could be purchased from at Wholesale rates.

Horse Star Logo Slipper are also know as Manipuri Chappal, Manipuri Slippers, Logo Slippers, Embossed Logo Slippers, Horse Star Chappal and Horse Number 1 Slipper. These slippers are mostly popular in hill region due to its non-slippery grip and longer longevity.

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